Thursday 21 June 2012

A victim of procrastination......

So it seems i have been thieved by this evil. I never thought that such would happen to me i have always been an organized young lady. How could this happen to me? The thing is when i looked around me and i saw everyone else going through the same thing i decided to comfort myself and say its totally normal. It's sad folks but i have become a victim of procrastination. and i have been procrastinating to admit it.

A few months ago or rather many months ago i decided to become a blogger i was so excited about the whole concept, sitting there and sharing my thoughts. but what do you know that excitement only lasted for that one day when i did actually blog. after that procrastination took over, every morning i would wake up and tell myself, i will read, i will blog.... yeah right, well that's after I'm done watsapping and facebooking my mates then maybe i will have some 'free' time to type in a few meaningful words. Now when i reflect on the past couple of months I can see that procrastination has thieved me of my organizational skills in fact it he has robbed me of my Life! All i say to myself all day is I will do it later but later never seems to come. Well of course i can't blame the poor guy for everything i seem to lack priorities these days like most us are lacking. think about it what is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up, when you get to work, when you switch on your computer, before you go to bed. Honestly its mind blowing. I decided to account for each and every minute in a particular day in my like and the only meaningful thing i probably did that day was eat! well maybe talking to a relative or two but uhmmm other than that absolutely nothing!

I miss that energetic ball of fire i used to know who used to do things right there and then and not wait for later to do it. I miss that girl who didn't have a cellphone at all but was a highly sociable person. I miss that girl who wouldn't sit on her bum the whole day waiting for 5 o'clock so that she can go home and sleep, that girl would watch the sun rise wondering why its taking so long. Is it part of growing up to become like this? i truly wonder, cause if it is well let me be a child all my life then...

Don't get me wrong folks I am not saying technology is bad, no technology is awesome, i love it. you are all going to read this cause of technology but it really has made us into lazy bums, i for one can testify. If you don't identify with me, man i am cool with it don't sweat it. but i think i need to check myself and reorder my life and my priorities and get away from the grips of Procrastination or else i am going to wake up at fifty and realize i have just achieved 12% of what i actually could have achieved just waiting for later. I am of the opinion if Einstein had half the distractions we have and if he procrastinated half the way we did he wouldn't even be part of this post cause I wouldn't know him! So get off your lazy chair and do something meaningful right now, I know i will.

If you don't see any post from me for at least a month I need another kick in the you know where. Help us God.

Monday 6 February 2012

you never know until you try

so it seems blogging is almost inevitable if you got some ideas and thoughts you wish to share cause we all have to admit that the internet is like the hub of almost everything. I have always been skeptical about blogging but since there are a lot of things i intend on achieving before my time is up on planet earth well i might as well give it shot. besides all the things i need to do require people, lots and lots of people it's not one of those things one can do without the aid of fellow human beings. So this blog is a platform for me to share my ideas with you, hear what you have to say, we put it all together and see how it goes.

Like most people on this earth I am passionate about a great deal of things; babies, puppies, the environment, clean water and so on and so on. it's one thing to be passionate about something but it's another to do something about it.

We can all very well see that our world is literally crumbling before our eyes and it seems we have resorted to watching that happen. So many a times i have made the decision to get off from my backside and do something about it but i always put my circumstances first and tell myself Nyasha you can't do it, but i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I am an educated African girl which must i point out is no longer a rarity in my country, in fact my country Zimbabwe holds the highest literacy rate in Africa with a staggering 92%, second in line is 5% away Tunisia. I know what you're thinking, isn't Zimbabwe that little chaotic African country? well go ahead and google it, we are quite the educated bunch.

Regardless of having all these educated people all over the place you'd think we'd take our country to the next level. In my country not only do we graduate from high school we go on to study big degrees cause that is the respectable thing to do and then we get employed.

Now here is the thing a few days ago i read an article about a Zambian man who was in flight to Los Angeles. He happened to sit next to a somewhat corky white man, this is said in the best way possible really. So this old white man was not shy to point out the truth about us 'Africans', and as painful as it was to read that article i must say almost everything he said was true. We are quite the lazy ones. We go to Uni get our big degrees and we just go work and usually make enough to sustain a descent life but what have we done for our countries which is of significance. He particularly made mention of how sad it is that in Africa there are people who drink dirty water and yet we have so many graduates who can easily design a water purifier to pass their final project but will not do so after they graduate. click here to read the article of the Zambian man who got a lecture on all our behalf

It seems we have what one may call a dependency syndrome, i don't know about you but i'm tired of blaming every not so functioning thing on the government, i think we can do bad all by ourselves. So basically what i'm saying is i've decided to do something about the things i am passionate about without pointing fingers at anyone for killing them or what cause i too belong to this country and i have watched crumble waiting for someone else to do something.

In due cause you will really understand what this is all about. Rome wasn't built in one day hey and so step by step we are going to make a difference in this country.
The first step i will kindly ask all of you to do is very simple. think of all the little things that you may be doing indirectly that affects this country, be it environmentally or economically,like littering now write it down and make a conscious decision to try and avoid it for the next 16 days and you'll see how that will make you feel..

Here are a few pointers:

Close the tap if you are not using the water at that moment
wash and rinse your dishes in a sink or dish of water rather than running water.
place your trash in the bin, if its not close by hold on for a few minutes you'll come across one.
just because there is a pile of dirt somewhere doesn't mean that it's a bin

i know you might feel like it will be an insignificant thing to do but believe me the feeling is rewarding and if one person changes their bad habits it becomes one less problem and if we all review our bad habits that then becomes millions of problems solved, together we are going to make a difference